When Lola came to me she was sweet as always but a neurotic mess. She would run all over in the car and try to get in the front and underfoot. So we went to school and it was great for both of us. I learned how to communicate and she learned how to listen. Through time she calmed down. One of the best things I learned was to have her travel in a crate in the car. My instructor trains German Shepherds and all of his dogs travel in crates. It took her a while to get used to it, but she jumps right in now. Last year l was in a car accident (rear ended). My car was totaled and I have no doubt Lola would have went through the front windshield. Here we are with our diploma.

Awww you lucky dawg Lola, congrats on the achievement!
A good trainer makes all the difference doesn’t it? Figures your star trainer would be into German Shepherds, as they can be some of the most wild and anxious dogs around. You found a winner, what a lucky break for both of you.
I so wish our truck could house a crate inside the cab! They really do save dogs’ lives. Glad you and Lola made it through that wreck.